The Department of Economics conducted a 30 hours Certificate Course on Basic Mathematics and QT. Some important modules related to basic maths and statistics(QT) were covered during the entire duration of the course. The sessions were taken by various teachers including Asst. Prof Tanya, Asst. Prof. Simpi and Asst. Prof. Navodita. Students from various schools also became a part of this course. During the culminating days, games session was also arranged to test students’ aptitude and Critical thinking and also engage their minds. The course was culminated by distributing certificates to the participants. Rv. Sr. Rita, Incharge administration was the guest of honor for the day. The participants were appreciated by the worthy Principal, Dr. Ajay Prashar and best student award was also given to Sahil Sharma of Class XI non medical. A small party was also arranged for the students at the end.


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