

The department of economics organised a Certificate Course in Basic Mathematics and QT from 14th July to 28th July in the college campus.A total of 15 students fruitfully completed this course with good grades. The entire syllabus and schedule for this 15 day course was designed well in advance.The introductory session, on the first day, began with a warm welcome and an introductory speech by the HOD of the economics department, Asst. Prof. Nidhi Sharma.Existing as well as new students were a part of this course. Various topics of Mathematics, Economics and QT were vividly explained to students by teachers namely Asst. prof Simpi, Asst. prof Jyoti, Asst. prof Navodita and Asst. Prof Tanya respectively. Every class included both disciplinary as well experiential learning in the form of activities related to the topics. Regular assignments and periodic tests were given to students to check their performance. It not only helped the students to sharpen and polish their skills but also benefitted in strengthening the student-teacher bond. The course went on smoothly throughout. At last, during the culmination, worthy director of Trinity Group of Institutions- Rev, father Peter, distributed the certificates to the students and congratulated them personally. He even listened to the views of the students and motivated them to stay focussed. Students were happy receiving certificates and captured these memories.



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